PTV70 Scoring |
No Variation |
Minor Variation |
Major Variation |
95% of PTV70 is at, or
above 70 Gy, or/and |
95% of PTV70 is at, or above 65.1 Gy and |
Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor
Variation |
99% of PTV70 is at, or
above 65.1 Gy and |
No more than 20% of PTV70 is at, or above 77.0 Gy |
No more than 5% of PTV70 is at, or above 80.5 Gy |
PTV59.4 Scoring |
No Variation |
Minor Variation |
Major Variation |
of PTV 59.4 is at, or above 59.4Gy and/or |
Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor
Variation |
99% of PTV59.4 is at, or above 55.2 Gy and |
95% of PTV59.4 is at, or above 55.2 Gy and |
No more than 20% of PTV59.4* is at, or above 77.0 Gy |
No more than 5% of PTV59.4* is at, or above 80.5 Gy |
PTV50.4 Scoring |
No Variation |
Minor Variation |
Major Variation |
of PTV50.4 is at, or above 50.4 Gy and /or |
Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor
Variation |
99% of PTV50.4 is at, or above 46.9 Gy and |
95% of PTV50.4 is at, or above 46.9 Gy and |
No more than 20% of PTV50.4* is at, or above 77.0 Gy |
No more than 5% of PTV50.4* is at, or above 80.5 Gy |
Parotid Scoring |
No Variation |
Minor Variation |
Major Variation |
Mean dose to either parotid is at or less than 26.0 Gy or |
40% of either parotid receives less than, or equal to 30.0
Gy |
Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor
Variation |
50% of either parotid receives less than 30.0 Gy or |
20 cc of the combined parotid glands receive less than
20.0 Gy |
Organs at Risk (OAR)
Specific tolerance dose values have been established for this protocol.
Organ at Risk (OAR) |
Dose Limit
and Criteria |
Temporal lobes |
60 Gy or 1% of Vol.
< 65 Gy |
Brainstem*, optic nerves,
chiasm* |
������������ 54 Gy
or 1% < 60 Gy |
Spinal Cord+ |
������������ 45Gy
or 1 cc of Vol. < 50.0 Gy |
Mandible T-M Joint |
������������ 70 Gy
or 1cc < 75.0 Gy |
+The spinal cord should be contoured as 0.5 cm larger in radius than the actual cord. This may be accomplished using a 0.5 cm margin for the Planning Organ at Risk (PRV) if your system supports such.
*The brainstem and chiasm should be contoured 0.1 cm larger in radius than the actual structure.