RTOG H-0225 Protocol Plan Scoring Criteria

PTV70 Scoring

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

95% of PTV70 is at, or above 70 Gy, or/and

95% of PTV70 is at, or above 65.1 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

99% of PTV70 is at, or above 65.1 Gy and

No more than 20% of PTV70 is at, or above 77.0 Gy

No more than 5% of PTV70 is at, or above 80.5 Gy


PTV59.4 Scoring

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

95% of PTV 59.4 is at, or above 59.4Gy and/or


Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

99% of PTV59.4 is at, or above 55.2 Gy and

95% of PTV59.4 is at, or above 55.2 Gy and

No more than 20% of PTV59.4* is at, or above 77.0 Gy

No more than 5% of PTV59.4* is at, or above 80.5 Gy


PTV50.4 Scoring

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

95% of PTV50.4 is at, or above 50.4 Gy and /or


Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

99% of PTV50.4 is at, or above 46.9 Gy and

95% of PTV50.4 is at, or above 46.9 Gy and

No more than 20% of PTV50.4* is at, or above 77.0 Gy

No more than 5% of PTV50.4* is at, or above 80.5 Gy


Parotid Scoring

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

Mean dose to either parotid is at or less than 26.0 Gy or

40% of either parotid receives less than, or equal to 30.0 Gy

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

50% of either parotid receives less than 30.0 Gy or


20 cc of the combined parotid glands receive less than 20.0 Gy


Organs at Risk (OAR)

Specific tolerance dose values have been established for this protocol. 

Organ at Risk (OAR)

Dose Limit and Criteria

Temporal lobes

60 Gy or 1% of Vol. < 65 Gy

Brainstem*, optic nerves, chiasm*

������������ 54 Gy or 1% < 60 Gy

Spinal Cord+

������������ 45Gy or 1 cc of Vol. < 50.0 Gy

Mandible T-M Joint

������������ 70 Gy or 1cc < 75.0 Gy

+The spinal cord should be contoured as 0.5 cm larger in radius than the actual cord.  This may be accomplished using a 0.5 cm margin for the Planning Organ at Risk (PRV) if your system supports such.

*The brainstem and chiasm should be contoured 0.1 cm larger in radius than the actual structure.