RTOG Oropharyngeal H-0022 Dry Run Guidelines
The Dry Run test for this study is required to be performed using a CT image data set as compliant with protocol requirements as possible. Successful completion of this test and a complete Facility Questionnaire submission are required to obtain credentials to participate in this study. The scoring criteria used to evaluate dry run submissions is available in a separate document with additional information relevant to successful completion.
Following are the requirements/guidelines for successful completion of a patient data submission Dry Run test for RTOG 3DCRT/IMRT Oropharyngeal Protocol H-0022:
One of the most important aspects of the Dry Run test is to fully understand the protocol specified prescription and properly use this prescription in your Dry Run treatment plan(s) and subsequent patient treatment plan(s). The prescription for this study has both minimum coverage requirements as well as PTV overdose and critical structure overdose criteria.
Using the format documented in Specification for Tape/Network Format for Exchange of Treatment Planning Data, Version 3.20 , or later, the following data must be submitted to the Image-Guided Therapy Center:
1) | Protocol compliant CT scan series (RTOG H-0022); |
2) | Protocol compliant contours for all critical normal structures (including skin) and GTV/CTV and PTV. Note that there is only ONE GTV and it must have a minimum 5 mm margin that is PTV66. If the PTV for the GTV is provided its dose level must be identified. Likewise, the dose levels for any CTVs (i.e. nodal chains) must have their target doses identified (e.g. "Level 1 Nodes 54" for a 54 Gy prescription to the Level 1 nodes contoured. If the PTV associated with any CTV is provided, it must have the dose level attached (e.g. PTV60 for the margin around the "Level 1 Nodes 54" identified earlier (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022); |
3DCRT (non-intensity modulated, only) Requirements |
3) | Beam geometry (3DCRT, non-intensity modulated, only) and doses (absolute) for one or more fraction groups delivering a protocol compliant dose with the doses calculated with heterogeneity corrections (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022); |
4) | DRR or digital film prescription images (3DCRT, non-intensity modulated, only) for each beam in item 3 above, if submitting institution intends to submit such digital data to comply with protocol requirements pertaining to imaging (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022); |
5) | DVH's (see Dose-Volume Histogram Evaluation below) for the total dose of all dose distributions submitted for item 3 (summed fraction groups from item 3) for PTV and all critical normal structures (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022) (Note: DVHs are only required for total dose, not for individual fraction groups); |
SMLC or Serial Tomotherapy (only) Requirements |
6) | Doses in absolute dose (SMLC or serial tomotherapy) for one or more fraction groups delivering a protocol compliant dose with the doses calculated with heterogeneity corrections (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022); |
7) | DVH's (see Dose-Volume Histogram Evaluation below) for the total dose of all dose distributions submitted for item 7 (summed fraction groups from item 7) for PTV and all critical normal structures (QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022) (Note: DVHs are only required for total dose, not for individual fraction groups); |
8) | Hard copy isodose distributions for the heterogeneity corrected dose calculations (summed fraction groups from items 3 or 7) according to requirements as documented in the QA Guidelines RTOG H-0022; |
9) | Completed Dry Run (specific) T2 form. |
It is anticipated that the entire prescription dose will be delivered with a single set of fields (or serial tomotherapy indices) excepting the optional 4-6 Gy boost. In the event that multiple field (or index) sets are used, or the optional boost is used, the doses (and beam geometry if 3DCRT) must be submitted for each set of fields where each set is referred to as a fraction group (set of concurrently treated beams which may be used for fractional dose fractionation determination). If two sets of beams are treated, for instance, the data submitted would be two fraction groups (sets) of beams (3DCRT only) and their respective doses (3DCRT or IMRT). The total doses for the complete therapy should not be submitted, as the total doses will be determined by the Image-Guided Therapy Center by summation of the submitted dose distributions for all fraction groups. The DVHs submitted must be for the total dose delivered (i.e. the sum of all delivered fraction groups).
There should be reasonable agreement between individual participating institutions's DVH computations and those of the 3D QA Center. Therefore, any discrepancy (between submitting institution and Image-Guided Therapy Center) in excess of +5% ( or +10 cc)in total volume or +5% (relative to the absolute structure volume) of the volume calculated to be at or above the appropriate TD 5/5 dose for the particular structure will need to be resolved prior to successfully completing the Dry Run Test.
NOTE: There is no requirement that the patient whose data is used for the Dry Run test be treated according to H-0022. This test set can be from a data set for a patient who was previously seen and/or treated (in some other fashion). The only requirement is that the CT scan, tumor /target volumes and critical normal structure contours be made compliant with the protocol requirements and that protocol compliant treatment plans be generated and the appropriate data submitted to the Image-Guided Therapy Center. Variation of CT scan spacing or range is allowed as long as all treated areas are completely encompassed in the scan set. All patient identifying data for the Dry Run test data must be removed before submission to protect patient confidentiality.
No films are required other than DRRs as identified in the digital submission items above as the patient's treatment is not required to be per protocol.
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