Plan Scoring for RTOG 0126


The scoring criteria for this protocol assumes that 3DCRT plans will use a cone down (optional) after the first 31 fractions of treatment.� If this is not done the scoring criteria for IMRT plans should be used.


Target Scoring-Arm1-3DCRT

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

98 % of� PTV1 is at, or above 55.8 Gy, and

95% of PTV1 is at, or above 55.8 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

98 % of PTV2 and 100 % of CTV2 is at or above 70.2 Gy, and

95 % of PTV2 and 100 % of CTV2 is at or above 70.2 Gy, and

Maxdose2%PTV2 <75.1 Gy

Maxdose2%PTV2<77.2 Gy

Target Scoring-Arm2-3DCRT

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

98 % of� PTV1 is at, or above 55.8 Gy, and

95% of PTV1 is at, or above 55.8 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

98 % of PTV2 and 100% of CTV2 is at or above 79.2 Gy, and

95 % of PTV2 and 100 % of CTV2 is at or above 79.2 Gy, and

Maxdose2%PTV2 <84.7 Gy

Maxdose2%PTV2 <87.1 Gy

Target Scoring-Arm1-IMRT

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

98 % of PTV is at, or above 70.2 Gy, and

95% of PTV is at, or above 70.2 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

100% of CTV is at or above 70.2 Gy, and

100% of CTV is at or above 70.2 Gy, and

Maxdose2%PTV <75.1 Gy

Maxdose2%PTV<77.2 Gy

Target Scoring-Arm2-IMRT

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

98 % of PTV is at, or above 79.2 Gy, and

95% of PTV is at, or above 79.2 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

100% of CTV is at or above 79.2 Gy, and

100% of CTV is at or above 79.2 Gy, and

Maxdose2%PTV <84.7 Gy

Maxdose2%PTV <87.1 Gy


Organs at Risk (OAR)

Based upon a review of patient dosimetry on dose level 3 of RTOG 94-06, the following normal tissue limits are guidelines and should be followed:

Normal organ limit�

No more than 15% volume receives dose that exceeds

No more than 25% volume receives dose that exceeds

No more than 35% volume receives dose that exceeds

No more than 50% volume receives dose that exceeds

Bladder Constraint

80 Gy

75 Gy

70 Gy

65 Gy

Rectum Constraint

75 Gy

70 Gy

65 Gy

60 Gy


Revised 5/14/2004.