RTOG 0117 Plan Scoring

PTV Scoring Dose level 2:74 Gy

No Variation

Minor Variation

Major Variation

Minimum Dose to PTV is at, or above 68.8 Gy, and

95% of PTV1 is at, or above 68.8 Gy and

Failure to achieve either No Variation or Minor Variation

Dose heterogeneity < 10%.

(MaxdosePTV/84Gy <1.10)

Dose heterogeneity < 10%.

(MaxdosePTV/84Gy <1.10)


Organs at Risk (OAR)

This protocol has specific dose constraints for critical structures that must be followed for patients entered on this protocol.

Lung Constraint

No more than 30% volume shall receive dose that exceeds

20 Gy

Esophagus Constraint

No more than 30% volume shall receive dose that exceeds

55 Gy, and the mean esophageal dose shall be < 34 Gy


The maximum point dose to critical normal structures outside the PTV including unspecified tissue should not exceed the prescription dose. In addition to the dosimetric normal structure limits noted above, the treating physician must carefully consider the tolerance dose/volume to each critical normal structure and unspecified tissue.