Institutions wishing to submit patient treatment-planning data in digital form for ATC supported protocols should follow the procedures described below:�
1. Submit a completed Facility Questionnaire describing personnel and facilities used to treat patients.
2. Review the instructions for data submission (see below).
3. Successfully complete a Digital Data Submission Test
Documents and forms related to digital data submissions are available at the ATC website: http://atc.wustl.edu
Digital patient treatment planning data may be submitted in one of two possible digital formats:
An institutions treatment planning system must have the capability of exporting data in either of these formats. A list of commercial systems that are known to have this capability are listed on the ATC website (http://atc.wustl.edu/credentialing/atc_compliant_tps.html). Institutions should contact the Image Guided Therapy QA Center (ITC) to obtain a username and password to permit submission of data to ATC servers. Please include your institution name and any other identifying information for your institution when you contact the ITC.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 314-362-9762 or 314-747-5415
Digital data submitted to the ATC for either a dry run or an actual, registered protocol case should include the following in accordance with the appropriate (protocol) requirements:
� CT or MR Images
� Protocol-compliant structures;
� Beam geometry or brachytherapy source parameters
� 3D Dose distributions (absolute dose) for all fraction groups
� DRR or digital film portal images (per protocol)
� DVH's for the total dose plan
Digital patient treatment planning data in RTOG Data Exchange or DICOM format can be submitted directly to the ITC using FTP. Please use the following steps to submit data via FTP:
1. Contact the ITC ([email protected] or 314-362-9762) to obtain an FTP account.
2. Connect to castor.wustl.edu using an FTP client program (either the command-line �ftp� program in Windows or Unix, or other FTP client software) and login with the provided username and password.
3. Change (cd) to the �incoming� directory.
4. Create a new sub-directory (mkdir) within �incoming� with a name that is pertinent to the data that you are submitting, Please do not use spaces in directory names or filenames.
5. Upload files using binary mode.
6. Send e-mail to [email protected] to indicate that you have uploaded protocol case data. Please identify the study group, protocol, and case number for the submission. (You may also be required to submit a T2 (Digital Data Submission) form.)
Digital patient treatment planning data may also be written on 4mm tape cartridge or CD-R. Please consult your treatment planning system documentation to see if this is an option for you.
Contact the ITC if you have any questions about either of these formats or your RTP system�s ability to comply with these requirements. You may also consult the list of commercial systems that are known to have this capability on the ATC website (http://atc.wustl.edu/credentialing/atc_compliant_tps.html).
Revised 11/22/2004